Tuesday 12 July 2011

Oprah's Last show: Host on 25-Year run

Here's a little bit of inspiration from a woman whose seen and conquered. Oprah Winfrey has single-handedly opened doors for many new comers when it comes to daytime talk shors, branding, and international media, while contributing to the inspiration behind peoples drive for success from all walks of life.

In this clip Oprah sits down for her exit intervies, and reflects on the fact that she intially wanted to be on 'Good Morning America', who she wished she had interviewed during her career and why her show, and why her show connected so well with people:

If this does not inspire you to reach heights that you have never ever thought were reachable, then you are limiting yourself, exceed your own expectations. Do better than better BE THE BEST. Do You Like This post?Share With Your friends!

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