Tuesday 12 July 2011

Beyonce Tells us to Take Charge

International Pop Star MS Beyonce Knowles talks about splitting up with her manager father Matthew Knowles. In a recent documentary aired in time for the release of her latest album '4' Beyonce talks about the courage and strength it took to take her Destiny in her own hands after being managed by her father from the beginning of her career since her 'Destinys Child' days, she states:

I’ve been managed by my father for a long time and a real change meant separating from him. It was scary but it empowered me and I wasn’t going to let fear stop me. It was very risky for me to step out on my own. Being a young woman I want to set the example that it’s possible for us to own our own businesses and own our own record labels. Sometimes we don’t reach for the stars, sometimes we are satisfied with what people tell us that we’re suppose to be satisfied with and I’m just not going for it.

What's hindering you from taking that leap in life? Stop procastinating and a make a move now, yes we've all heard it before ''You can be what you want to be'' But can you really? Yes you can! All you need to do is apply yourself, Beyonce did not get to the level she is at right now, without the work ethic that she puts behind it. You can be that person to exceed expectations, do the unusual and exceed your own expectations. Do You Like This post?Share With Your friends!

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