Thursday 21 July 2011

Tips for an Indestructable CV

Jobsite finds out how to write a professional CV that wins you an interview.

You’ve found the ideal job vacancy. Now you need the ‘how to’ guide to write your professional CV. Most people are aware of the standard professional CV build: employment history, qualifications, contact details – but which key ingredients impress employers and win a place on their interview shortlist?

“Before you start to write your professional CV, write down your ten greatest achievements,” says Peter Appleby, Managing Director of Appleby Associates. “This should help you get in the right mindset, which is a marketing mindset. Your achievements demonstrate your proven abilities and what you have to offer. You’re a product being sold to a company, and the goal of your professional CV is to communicate what you can do for them. By considering your achievements first, you won’t fall into the trap of describing your skills without offering evidence to substantiate them.”

Friday 15 July 2011

The Next Apprentice: Could Be You

Have you ever taken the time out to watch 'The Apprentice' however daunting it may sound, it's actually quite the source for entertainment, as well as a huge learning curb for viewers as well as the contestants. Lord Sugar takes on 16 hopefuls in a bid to find a business partner in whom he can invest a £250,000 prize into the winning contestants business, the winner will then be able to choose what type of business they wish to set up and will have the backing and mentoring of Lord Sugar, with each taking a 50/50 stake in the company.

Each week the contestants are divided into two teams, with one selected nominated Project Manager. The teams will go head-to-head in a series of tasks selected by Lord Sugar that will see their business skills tested to the maximum.

The two teams will then compete against each other under the watchful eye of Karren Brady and Nick Hewer, who will report their findings back to Lord Sugar.

After completing the task both teams will return to the boardroom to find out which team has won. Winning the task is usually dependent on gaining the most profit.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

8 Messages We Loved From Oprah's Final Show

Oprahs Final Show

After 25 years on daytime television, it’s mind-boggling to think that Oprah has spent 4,561 days of her life on the Oprah Winfrey Show stage, chronicling the lives of thousands of guests, from the every day person to superstar celebrity. She’s battled issues such as substance, drug, domestic and child abuse. She’s given her viewers exclusive interviews and changed lives all over the world, not only through her own story of growing up in the backwoods of Mississippi but also through the trials and triumphs of strangers and familiar popular icons.

She used her final hour to deliver a message that was powerful, inspiring and displayed true leadership. Here are eight notable Oprah quotes of inspiration on love, self-confidence, living life to the fullest, being responsible for your own decisions, humility, and much more:

Beyonce Tells us to Take Charge

International Pop Star MS Beyonce Knowles talks about splitting up with her manager father Matthew Knowles. In a recent documentary aired in time for the release of her latest album '4' Beyonce talks about the courage and strength it took to take her Destiny in her own hands after being managed by her father from the beginning of her career since her 'Destinys Child' days, she states:

Oprah's Last show: Host on 25-Year run

Here's a little bit of inspiration from a woman whose seen and conquered. Oprah Winfrey has single-handedly opened doors for many new comers when it comes to daytime talk shors, branding, and international media, while contributing to the inspiration behind peoples drive for success from all walks of life.

In this clip Oprah sits down for her exit intervies, and reflects on the fact that she intially wanted to be on 'Good Morning America', who she wished she had interviewed during her career and why her show, and why her show connected so well with people: